
Toy'D:Windows XP的3D Window Manager

Linux的beryl+xgl/aiglx的炫人的全3D渲染效果和多桌面切换,Vista的毛玻璃特效,Mac OS X的Widgets,Dock,我能一次全部拥有吗?一起来看看这视频,传到mofile上发现视频有些暗,清晰的视频可以从主页下载,总的来说他们是向beryl类似的全3D方向在努力.不久的将来,XP用户也能体验beryl那激进的3D桌面特效了.
开发小组公开public svn,现在我们还只能从源码编译来测试,希望能早日释出2进制可执行文件.



访问:Toy'd Project

What is The Toy'd Project ?

Toy'd is an advanced next-generation Window Manager built on top of Aoof-Wm, an Advanced Object Oriented Framework designed specifically for the development of portable Window Management systems.

No features limits !

Unique configuration

Evoluate through different environments without seeing any changes. Switch your Operating System but keep the same Interface, the same window manager, the same unique configuration.


Master your environment, personalize it, make it your third hand by choosing among a lot of different themes. And if none of them satisfy you, you can still design your own easily !

No click

Let your instincts drive your computer with the intuitive next-generation no click user interface. No more dashed movements as moving, pointing, multi-clicking, you can now control your machine with smooth peaceful gestures.

Add features with the plugin manager

Delivered with a wide variety of functionalities, the philosophy of the project is a high level of self configuration with no restrictions at all, you can add features with the plugin manager. Don't be restrained to enable or disable a feature, make it yourself, and then fill any lack you may encounter

